Gyanodaya Mahavidyalaya, Jaisinagar was established in 2004. The college is well equipped with all modern facilities. A variety of teaching and learning techniques are employed to impart knowledge and skills to the students of the college.
The college is affiliated to Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya. The University was established in 1946. The University is situated 5 Km. east of Sagar city and its campus is spread on 830.3 hectares on the top of Patharia hills. It is one of the finest picturesque campuses in India. It has 36 University teaching departments (number keeps adding) 10 faculties and 81 affiliated colleges covering 6 revenue districts of M.P.
To promote life long learning and enrich the community with trained intelligent and world class teachers.
- To promote excellence in the sphere of teacher education.
- Tto trained the students to be an intelligent social minded vocationally prepared and committed to to the cause of quality education.
- To uplift the living conditions of girl students form the rural areas.
- Contributing to the national development.
- Quest for excellence.
- Develop self discipline and self trust.
- Develop the honesty punctuality co-operation etc.
- Develop the national and international feelings.
- Develop the democratic leadership.